Name Chelsea Eggleton
Job Title Secretary 
Nicknames Chels, Cheggs, Cheggleton
When did you start work at Pond House? 27th November 2023
Favourite Horses Romeo Americo, Hardtorock, Atakan, Pentland Hills (I own three of them!)
What would you be doing if you weren’t working here? Somewhere hot!
Likes Greek food, BBQ's on the beach and summer evenings
Dislikes People who don't say thank you when driving!
Any heroes/role models? My parents 
Any superstitions? Don't step on 3 drains!
Hobbies Walking, swimming, riding out, pointing and reading
Favourite films/television/music Mamma Mia & Strictly come dancing, Any music - old & new!
What three items would you take with you to a desert island? Phone, Gin and My other half
Dream holiday destination The Maldives
Ambitions Have my own yard with pointers