
Name Leanne Pipe
Job Title Stable Lass
When did you start work at Pond House? February 2004
Favourite Horses Lough Derg, Ashkazar
What would you be doing if you weren’t working here? A nurse
Likes Sunny days riding out, followed by a pub lunch and spending time with the children, David and my dog Syd
Dislikes Rain
Any heroes/role models? My parents
Any superstitions? Lots!  Magpies, and I only have the volume on even numbers!
Hobbies No time for hobbies although I enjoy going out for dinner
Favourite films/television/music Film: When A Man Loves A Woman, Television: Home And Away, Neighbours, X Factor, Music: Lionel Ritchie, Westlife, Usher
What three items would you take with you to a desert island? My three children, Jack, Sophie & Martha...is there not enough room for wine?!
Dream holiday destination The Maldives
Ambitions To be the best mum I can, and for the kids to have a happy life