Horses for Sale

   Kingston Queen (GB) 

Only one share remaining!
Click Here for details



 I have been busy on the gallops once again with my camera so hope you like a few of my shots!  As David mentioned in his column it is very busy back at the yard and we are all excited with the jumps season about to really get going.  Fingers crossed there will be some rain before too long so we can start running some of the horses.  We have hardly had any rain at Pond House recently and while they are finally getting some further north it was just 1/2mm in our gauge this morning.  My first photo is of Pond House stalwart Consigliere upsides relative newcomer Clever Dick.  Both horses are in good form at home and are not too far off a run.


             Consigliere & Clever Dick

Dan_Breen__Rose_of_the_Moon_gallops  Master_Overseer__Shaking_Hands_gallops
      Dan Breen & Rose of the Moon                   Master Overseer & Shaking Hands

Pictured above is Dan Breen alongside Rose of the Moon and Master Overseer with Shaking Hands.  All of these horses are fit and well and are nearing return to action.    

Richard Hughes and Kieren Fox were the first two jockeys to feel the affects of the new whip rules when riding at Salisbury yesterday.  Kieren actually won the race but received a 15 day ban, forfeiting his riding fee and his percentage of the prize moeny.  Jockeys like Fox I imagine can really not afford to lose this sort of money and he will now have 15 days to think about it as well.  The jockeys struck the horse 11 times in total, seven times inside the final furlong as opposed to the new rule meaning you can only use the whip seven times in total, five times inside the final furlong.  It must be very hard for jockeys as on Sunday they were riding to rules that have become a very natural way of riding an then 24 hours later they get punished for something that was okay to do yesterday.  I think they should have had a bedding in period and maybe started the flat boys on the new rule next season.  I cannot wait to see what happens in some of the big Group 1 and big prize money races.  There are going to be lots of jockeys banned and don't forget we are going to have the start of the proper jumps season coming up this weekend at Cheltenham.  Keep watching this space.

If you are a student you can get into exeter races free of charge on Best Mate chase day on Tuesday 18th October plus a 2 for 1 meal for anyone who books by calling 0844 5793005 and quotes Bmate 11.  I am trying to find my student card, I could be a mature student!

What about at Bath races.  They have their last meeting coming up next week and they are having a running race where you have to carry a female over the final half a furlong.  The winners will receive their combined weight in Bath ales.  All my mates are looking for 6 stone woman, then if they win they will try to weigh in with a 12 stone woman!  I hope the clerk of the scales will be on the ball.